Cigar Servers are another attractive addition to your cigar feature. Just like the old movies like Casablanca and even today in various casinos, cigar servers are expected visual for upscale guest list. Also known as cigar waitresses, these cigar servers roam the room with a small tray filled with the inventory being presented for these cigar lovers in your audience. Cigar servers will be knowledgeable about the cigars they are serving so that questions can be answered properly and the experience of the cigars is best enjoyed by all at the party.
Cigar servers or cigar waitresses, work best for events where there is a large area to cover so guests do not have to crowd around the cigar rollers table to get a cigar. Cigar servers instead, bring the cigars to your guests so guests can enjoy their cigars without being tasked to walking over to the cigar rollers table.
Cigar menus are also supplied to explain the different types of cigars whether they be Robusto was or Churchill’s, Connecticut shade or Maduro. The cigar menus described the cigar in detail and include the link than ring gauge along with the description of the filler and wrapper.
All of our cigar related features are meant to enhance and promote the CF Dominicana brand of cigars. If there is another type of feature that you would also like to incorporate, simply let us know and we will see what we can do to accommodate. For now, click the contact form to submit the details of your event so we can create a suggested package of features for you.
We look forward to hearing from you.