The Cigar Rollers that are allocated to the DC events are Julio and David. Julio is a master cigar roller from Santiago Dominican Republic and David is from Tamboril Dominican Republic. Together, these cigar artisans make up just two of the 15 cigar rollers provided by CF Dominicana for over 16 years that live in each city we service with Washington DC as one of the initial markets for the company back in 2000.


When you submit the contact form for your event, one of these cigar rollers will be assigned to you.
Your guests will experience something new and different while the cigar aficionados in the group will be enjoying themselves and talking about your party long after the event is over.


Cigar Rollers are not limited to DC but include areas throughout the East including Baltimore, South Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania and as far south as North Carolina.
The cigars provided will also be Dominican. CF Dominicana cigars use premium Ligero filler with Connecticut Shade Wrapper to produce a mild to medium bodied taste. Connecticut shade wrappers are rolled on the cigars at the event in front of your guests and when the cigars are lit up, will provide a new smoking experience for the aficionados and novices alike.
